There will be an emergency phone line for you to call and get in contact with your student. It will be sent to you as part of the virtual parent meeting in June and posted on this page prior to camp.
Transportation is provided as part of your registration. All students registered with Seacoast Church will travel on Charter Buses. Please be aware that we do not depart from every location. We will post departure locations prior to camp on this page and it is important that you depart from the location your campus is assigned to ensure we have a seat for your student. If you are planning on bringing your student directly to camp or picking them up from camp, please email us at so we can make a note on your students registration.
Transportation will vary based on the church you attend. Please speak with your youth pastor to answer specific transportation questions.
The Rock Eagle 4-H Center features a state-of-the-art dining hall, which offers buffet-style meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Snacks and refreshments will be available to purchase during free time and late at night for campers.
If your student has food allergies, please indicate this on the registration form. Rock Eagle is set up to accommodate most food allergies, and its dining hall is peanut free. If your student has extreme food allergies, please email us at so we can work with you directly and the 4-H Center to make sure we can accommodate your student.
Rock Eagle 4-H Center is set up so that every camper has a twin bed to sleep in! Lodging is set up in cabins of 22 bunks beds. There are six rooms in each building and a common space area. Five of the rooms are designed for students with 4 bunk beds and a private bathroom. They also have a cubby space for each camper with 3 drawers to keep their personal belongings. The sixth room is for the two leaders assigned to the cabin and features a similar set up with just two beds.
Yes. We will have a security team at Summer Camp to ensure your students' safety. For every ten students, there will be a volunteer room leader. This leader has been background checked and interviewed. In addition, the 4-H center provides additional security 24/7.